yoga teacher training 200h


Bewegung. Ein gängiger Begriff im Wörterbuch eines digitalen Nomaden. Aber dieses Mal laden wir dich ein, ein anderes Gefühl der Bewegung zu erleben. Ein Gefühl das hilft, so viel Raum wie möglich im eigenen Leben zu schaffen. Wie? Indem du tief einatmest, deinen Körper dehnst, kennenlernst, meditierst, dich entspannst, die Musik spürst und die Magie des Lebens und der Gegenwart teilst. Genau hier und genau jetzt in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Komm in die Welt der Bewegung.

Das sind wir.

Begeistert von Bewegung. Das macht uns aus. Neue Wege finden, um den Körper selbst sprechen zu lassen. Wir erforschen leidenschaftlich gerne neue Wege des Ausdrucks durch Bewegung und Kreativität. Wir möchten dir nicht nur neue Bewegungstechniken beibringen, sondern diese Leidenschaft zusammen teilen. Nimm dir einen Moment Zeit und komm in unser modernes Studio, um eine gute Stimmung zu erleben. Ein Raum, in dem du du selbst sein kannst und der dich inspiriert, das zu schaffen, was du in deinem Nomadenleben brauchst.


Für Unternehmen

Du planst ein Teambuilding auf Gran Canaria und möchtest deinen Leuten etwas Besonderes bieten? Etwas, das ihre Kreativität weckt und ihnen die Energie gibt, ruhiger und effektiver zu arbeiten? Bist du der Meinung, dass dein Team und du selbst einen Raum zum Entspannen und Loslassen brauchen? Dann bist du hier genau richtig.
Wir veranstalten Teambuilding-Veranstaltungen, Seminare und alle anderen Arten von Unternehmensaktivitäten. Gerne organisieren wir für dich und dein Team unsere Bewegungs- und Yogaeinheiten, entweder in unserem Studio oder an einem anderen Ort auf der Insel.


Tritt mit der kreativen Gemeinschaft in Kontakt.

Digital nomads

Digital nomads are teleworkers, also called remote workers, so they work from anywhere with only a computer, a phone and an internet connection. They adopt a nomadic lifestyle for varying periods of time and work from different locations around the world thanks to technological advances.
Rather than working in a face-to-face office or headquarters, they have the advantage of being able to travel around the world using shared connections via their smartphones, free networks in public spaces or even in cafes and bars.
It is generally the new generations and the self-employed who are adept at this practice. But more and more, companies accept this kind of practice for their employees. The latter has developed and democratized in large part during the Covid period.
The main advantages of leading a digital nomad life are the freedom and autonomy in work, the possibility to travel, to explore many places, to meet people and discover new cultures all year long. It is also a way to find inspiration for your projects. Telecommuting is a way to try to find the best balance between professional life and personal development.
Which is the best place to live as a digital nomad in Spain?
Spain is the ideal destination for Digital Nomads. Most of those who have lived the experience would like to never give it an end. It's a set of life advantages that holds them back. But what is the best place to live and thrive? It is simply Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and off the coast of Africa. There is nothing better than to make your dream come true and live on an island full of resources and good energy to bring you.
First of all, it is obviously the climate that is the first cause of this blossoming. Indeed, Spain has a Mediterranean climate that favors sports and outdoor activities. This is also an asset for remote workers who can make the terraces of cafes in the city, or even a van or camper in the countryside, their "office".
Secondly, you will have the chance to discover and practice many activities like surfing, yoga, beach volleyball, paragliding, hiking and much more. Gran Canaria is also home to secret beaches, surfing spots and snorkeling to die for. There's plenty to do in your free time to relax, unwind and to blossom throughout your trip
Gran Canaria has a culture that has been built up over the years with festivals, local celebrations and a varied gastronomy. You will be able to integrate quickly and live your Spanish trip to the fullest.
In addition, Gran Canaria has the advantage of having a low cost of living, which makes it easy to find food and lodging. This encourages you to have a more dynamic life: make excursions on the island and vary the activities during your days off.
Secondly, you have access to a wide range of choices regarding the style of accommodation you are looking for. You will find many hostels, hotels, separate apartments, studios or even places to park your van or camper.
Finally, Spain also has the advantage of being well equipped in terms of broadband network and has a large number of free places where the internet connection is free of charge: cafes, libraries, restaurants, fast foods, stores, cultural centers, leisure centers, etc. So you can work wherever you are on the island.
What to do as a digital nomad in Spain?
Need to unwind after a busy day of work? Take some time for yourself and your well-being and participate in See Yoga activities in your spare time and connect with other enthusiasts. You've earned your break, so come relax your body and rest your mind. Take the opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture by participating in our yoga and dance classes? We offer different yoga classes in small groups: yoga, meditation, reiki, movement. But also various dance classes: Latin dance, dancehall, reggaeton, and ladies style. Add spirituality to your routine as a digital nomad. Take advantage of your off hours to immerse yourself in the local culture with the See Yoga team. Come and share a moment of well-being and relaxation with our teachers in our yoga studio.
Meet and share moments with yogis from all over the world. Disconnect, release the pressure and take a big bowl of energy for the day, the See Yoga Team is waiting for you at the studio!
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